The qCell μOpto is the latest innovation to our QCM-D instruments. It is designed for combining 3T’s advanced QCM-D technology with up to 600X simultaneous microscopic observation of the sensor surface. Combining QCM-D with real time microscopy allows the user to evaluate frequency and damping with respect to sample surface coverage and morphology. Use this combination to analyze the sample surface coverage and get further insights to the sample’s mechanical properties and surface coupling. Applications include, but are not limited to, colloid attachment, bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation and cell adhesion and spreading.
Click for additional information about combining QCM-D with microscopy (language: German)
The qCell μOpto can be operated separately or in conjunction with instruments of the qCell T family.
Combine the qCell μOpto with LiquiBox PT, for accurate temperature control and automatic fluid and sample control. The automation granted with the LiquiBox PT, enables excellent stability and reproducibility for long term unattended measurements. For transferring experimental protocols into a script, the qGraph software comprises the programming of temperature, flow rates, injection volume, sample channel, base line stability control, user defined equilibrium proceeding conditions and triggering of external devices.
Features of qCell μOpto series:
- QCM-D combined with Microscopy
- Compact design, compatible with most microscope stages
- Automated Pump Control
- Dissipation/Damping & Frequency Monitoring
- Optional Automated Control for up to 8 Independent Samples
- Peltier Driven Temperature Control
- User Friendly Software Interface
- Easy Handling