2010 Platelet aggregation monitoring with a newly developed quartz crystal microbalance system as an alternative to optical platelet aggregometry
Authors: Sinn S, Müller L, Drechsel H, Wandel M, Northoff H, Ziemer G, Wendel HP, Gehring FK
Journal: Analyst, 135, 2930-8. doi: 10.1039/c0an00474j
University Hospital, Div. Congenital & Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Clinical Research Laboratory, Tuebingen University, Tuebingen, Germany
Abstract: The objective of this study was to establish a new test system for the monitoring of platelet aggregation during extracorporeal circulation (ECC) procedures. Even though extensive progress has been made in improving the haemocompatibility of extracorporeal circulation devices, activation of blood coagulation, blood platelets and inflammatory responses are still undesired outcomes of cardiopulmonary bypass. This study deals with an approach towards a platelet aggregation measuring system using a newly developed quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) system. Since QCM is a rarely used technique in the field of blood analytics, the challenge was to transfer the well established methods of aggregometry to the new testsystem. In a QCM system, either bare gold or fibrinogen-coated sensors were incubated with ADP or arachidonic acid (AA) stimulated platelet rich plasma. For negative controls the GPIIb/IIIa inhibitory antibody abciximab (Reopro®) was used as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation. During incubation, the frequency shifts of the sensors were recorded. The results gained from the QCM system were compared to results gained by opticalplatelet aggregometry (born aggregometry). For additional visualization of platelet adhesion to the sensor surfaces, fluorescent microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used. The QCM sensor was able to detect platelet aggregation in both uncoated and fibrinogen coated sensors. The measuring curves of aggregation measurements and controls were clearly distinguishable from each other in terms of frequency shifts and kinetics. For aggregation measurements and inhibited controls the therapeutic diagnosis of platelet function is identical between aggregometer and QCM data. In future, QCM based measuring devices may become an alternative to established point of care methods for rapid bedside testing ofplatelet aggregation